Still jet-lagged I wake up far too early, listen to the first awakening bird, feel warm and snuggly in my bed, and while the darkest night turns into dawn, I suddenly realise that I can breathe again. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale.
Don’t think that I come from a war-zone. On the contrary! I’m currently living in a place that many people are dying to visit, or even move to permanently. Like I did until only 6 months ago.
And then, with sort of a ‘bang’! the vicious circle of my troubled thoughts breaks open and I discover what we find in Namibia – and what I need: To enjoy the trip, my being, and what lies at the basis of my meaningful functioning in society.
Namibia offers peaceful security.
Even in small settlements, there is power when I flick the switch. There is water when I turn the tap. People smile at me and respond friendly. They give me the right of way, even when I’m wrong and on the wrong side of the road (except for taxis, of course, they are always a force to be reckoned with!). I pull my car over and open the hood and the third car stops and offers help (it’s an elderly-looking black guy with family and I’m ashamed of having hidden my photo gear). There is such a lack of tension and aggression that I relax immediately and don’t mind the black people discussing how to assist me in their own native tongue.
In Namibia – despite the obvious inequalities and certainly a good measure of unfairness – people are accommodating and tolerant to my being different. In the unforgiving sun and desert, Namibians form a welcoming and humane community. Travel to Namibia has healing powers. I. Am. Safe. Here.
I promise myself: With my next assignment, I will be more careful and I will choose a country like Namibia.
Text: Client of VA Tourism Namibia (shortened) Photo: courtesy of Megan Dreyer